Patients + Caregivers

Get in-home medical care.

患有多种慢性疾病的患者可以通过他们的现金足球网哪个好计划获得Landmark的资格. Landmark’s providers: doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants bring medical care to you. Learn how to get started and what services are available.

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We care for you where you are - whenever you need us. Image

We care for you where you are - whenever you need us.

具有里程碑意义的医疗服务提供者将亲自、通过电话或通过视频为您提供医疗服务. Landmark is available 24/7, including weekends, holidays and when your regular doctor’s office is closed. Landmark provides routine and urgent visits.

New to Landmark? Here’s what you can expect.

New to Landmark? Here’s what you can expect.
  1. 你会收到一封来自现金足球网哪个好计划的信,介绍Landmark health.
  2. Landmark将打电话给您讨论该计划,并安排与Landmark供应商的家庭医疗访问.
  3. 在您第一次出诊时,我们会询问您的现金足球网哪个好目标,并讨论Landmark的服务. We’ll go over the forms that allow Landmark to treat you, similar to those you sign in your doctor’s office. 然后我们会回顾你的病史,做一个身体检查并安排未来的访问.
  4. Once you are a Landmark patient, you can reach a Landmark provider any time of the day or night, including weekends and holidays. 请记住,您的地标访问记录将发送给您的初级保健医生.

Testimonials and Reviews.

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Landmark Patient

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Landmark Caregiver
North Carolina

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Dr. Armstrong
Riverbend Medical

Patient Review
Sharon Barnes
May 04, 2024

Landmark has been great! Staff very knowledgeable, very helpful.

Patient Review
Elizabeth Padilla
Apr 12, 2024


Patient Review
Shareena Rowe
Apr 11, 2024

It was a pleasure to talk and see the doctor, 她非常了解我的情况,给了我很好的建议来改善我的现金足球网哪个好.

Caregiver videos.

如果你要照顾体弱多病或年老的人,你可能需要在他们跌倒后扶起他们. 你该怎样做才能保证你和你所爱的人的安全呢? 在这个视频中,Jeanne,一名护士和地标现金足球网哪个好的领导者,提供了一些帮助的建议!

In this caregiver tutorial video, 珍妮-护士和里程碑式的卫生服务副总裁-向你展示你所爱的人如何使用日常用品, like soup cans, to build upper body strength. 她也有一些低强度、下半身力量锻炼的建议. 如果坚持这样做,这些练习可以帮助你所爱的人变得更灵活、更独立.

In this video, caregivers can learn how to make the homes of seniors safer, reducing fall risks coming in and out of the home. Landmark's VP of Health Services, Jeanne, 教你一些简单的技巧来支持你爱的人.

In this video, 护理人员可以学习如何通过使用带滑雪板和托盘的助行器来帮助老年人更轻松地在家中走动. Landmark's VP of Health Services, 珍妮分享了一些简单的建议来支持你生活中的老年人.

Supplement in-person visits with telemedicine.


Your Landmark care team.

认识一下我们专业护理团队的一些成员,他们会努力让你保持现金足球网哪个好. Local teams may vary.

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为复杂的病人提供高质量护理的医生或高级实践提供者, where they reside. 这些提供者及早发现问题,并与初级保健医生合作,做出改变,防止病人病情加重.

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就地紧急治疗病人的内科医生或高级执业医师. 当需要快速评估或护理时,他们无需预约就可以提供服务,他们就像家里的医院医生一样.

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Behavioral Health Specialists


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Review medicines and ensure the best medication selection. 回答病人关于药物的问题,并教育他们如何最好地服用药物.

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Nurse Care Managers

通过电话与患者合作,并与Landmark供应商合作. Act as an advocate for patients' health and life goals.

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Social Workers


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就食物如何影响整体现金足球网哪个好向患者提供咨询,包括饮食建议. Small, low-cost changes can lead to big health improvements.

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Services available to you.

我们会帮助你在家里保持现金足球网哪个好并在需要的时候对你进行治疗. Whether you are worried about a suspicious spider bite, are feeling blue, or concerned about coming down with the flu.

Our visits are scheduled around your health needs and schedule. Everything from checking your vitals, and reviewing your medications, to having in-depth discussions about your needs and concerns.

有时你感觉不舒服,因为你的医生办公室关门了,或者你的初级保健提供者没有任何预约. 你不确定你是否应该等待,去紧急护理,甚至去医院. 具有里程碑意义的患者可以在白天或晚上的任何时间打电话给他们的护理团队,帮助他们做出这些决定,并在需要时接受护理.

患有多种慢性疾病可能意味着你要看好几位医生. Landmark可以是一个单一的来源,考虑到你的整体现金足球网哪个好,并有助于促进与所有相关人员的沟通. 我们还可以向您的现金足球网哪个好计划推荐您可能需要的额外服务和护理, including physical therapy, home health nurses, walkers and more.

Receive urgent diagnoses and (non-COVID-19) treatments at home, including fluids, medications, prescriptions, labs and X-rays. No appointment is necessary. 你可以避免开车去急诊或医院,也可以避免等待、细菌和账单.

从医院或专业护理机构回家后, 许多病人有在几周内再次入院的危险. Landmark providers meet you at home after a discharge, to review discharge instructions and medications, and help you coordinate follow-up appointments. This can help you avoid hospital readmissions.

Care That Works

emergency room visits and skilled nursing facility days.
We have made more than one million house calls nationally. Let us care for you too.